Poets House
10 River Terrace
New York, NY 10282
United States
$10 | $7 for students & seniors | free to members
Rigoberto González continues to change the landscape of American literature through his groundbreaking poetry, prose, and scholarship, providing readers with a redocumentation of our shared cultural memory. Join us for a conversation with González followed by celebratory readings from Elizabeth Alexander, Eduardo Corral, Hannah Ensor, U.S. Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera, Saeed Jones, Erika Sanchez, Elisabet Velasquez, and Vickie Vertiz. Co-hosted by Natalie Diaz and Ada Limón. Presented by Poets House in partnership with the Academy of American Poets, Letras Latinas at Notre Dame’s Institute for Latino Studies, and Poetry Society of America. Co-sponsored by CantoMundo, Four Way Books, Macondo Writers’ Workshop, and VONA Voices.