Jake Skeets at Grolier Poetry Bookshop

Grolier Poetry Bookshop
6 Plympton Street
Cambridge, MA 02128
United States

Admission: $10 (general admission), $5 (students, moderate income). Tickets must be reserved online but can be paid at the door.

Grolier Poetry Bookshop is pleased to welcome Jake Skeets for an evening of poetry readings. Jake Skeets will read from his award winning collection of poetry, Eyes Bottle Dark with a Mouthful of Flowers, alongside authors Joan Navyiuk Kane and Santee Fraizer.

Please reserve and buy your tickets online. Students and those with moderate incomes can purchase discounted tickets at $5, while regular price tickets are $10.

More Infromation: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07egod0…