Martha Collins at Mac's Backs-Books on Coventry with Cathy Barber and Holly Jensen

Mac's Backs-Books on Coventry
1820 Coventry Rd.
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
United States

Free and open to the public.


Poets Cathy Barber, Martha Collins (Night Unto Night, 2018), and Holly Jensen will read at Mac’s on Saturday, April 13th at 7 p.m.

Cathy Barber has an MA in English from California State University and an MFA in Poetry from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. Her work has been published in a wide range of journals and anthologies, from the San Francisco Bay Guardian to the Australian Medical Journal. Her first chapbook, published by Dancing Girl Press, is Aardvarks, Bloodhounds, Catfish, Dingoes.

Martha Collins is the author, most recently, of Night Unto Night (Milkweed, 2018), Admit One: An American Scrapbook (Pittsburgh, 2016), Day Unto Day (Milkweed, 2014), White Papers (Pitt Poetry Series, 2012), and Blue Front (Graywolf, 2006). Collins has also published four earlier collections of poems, three books of co-translations from the Vietnamese, and two chapbooks. She co-edited (with Kevin Prufer) Into English: Poems, Translations and Commentaries (Graywolf, 2017). White Papers and Blue Front won Ohioana awards. Blue Front also won an Anisfield-Wolf Book Award and was chosen as one of “25 Books to Remember from 2006” by the New York Public Library.

Holly Jensen is the author of Lost Footnotes of the Gospel and her poetry has been published in numerous print and online journals including Pank Magazine,The Midwest Quarterly and Pear Noir!  Her traditional and free ghazals (a Persian poetic form) have appeared in Kestrel, Tilt-a-Whirl and Damazine. She was the 2015-2016 editor of The International Journal of English Langauage Ghazals.