San Miguel Writers' Conference: Humor in Poetry with Michael Bazzett


Hotel Real de Minas
Camino Viejo Al Panteón 1
San Antonio
33700 San Miguel de Allende

Comedians, like poets, are often preoccupied with speaking the unspeakable. Both jokes and poems compress a great deal of energy into small packages, and while laughter might be the immediate end, in the right hands, the result can be transcendence.

As the artist David Shrigley put it: “The opposite of humor is not seriousness; the opposite of humor is incompetence.”

In this workshop, we will read the work of James Wright, Wislawa Szymborska, Bill Knott, Jamaal May, Patricia Lockwood, Wendy Cope, and Billy Collins, in our examination of how many of the poetic techniques used in lyric poetry can echo those used in joke structures.