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A Year in the Wilderness is here!

Amy & Dave Freeman — 08/28/2017
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We knew we wanted to write a book even before we began our year in the Wilderness. As we received feedback from people living vicariously through our photos and social media posts, we realized just how important such a book could be. How better to share the longer story about all we witnessed and why it’s important to protect wild places in general? What we didn’t know was exactly how to go about writing one.

Enter Daniel Slager, the publisher and CEO of Milkweed Editions, who paddled in to our camp during the summer of 2016. Milkweed has published some of our favorite books about the natural world—including Karsten Heuer’s Being Caribou and Seth Kantner’s Ordinary Wolves. We loved the idea of working with such a mission-driven publisher, and it wasn’t long before we signed a contract.

We’ve been working with Daniel and Milkweed ever since, and we are so excited to share that we got to see the first copies of A Year in the Wilderness yesterday! Check out this timelapse of us signing over 600 copies, which will be sent to everyone who preorders to book before its publication date on September 23. For everyone who’s already ordered a copy: stay tuned! Books will ship right after Labor Day, and you’ll have them in hand soon after. Haven’t ordered yet? Preorder now!

Thank you for all your support. We hope that this book—this story, these photos—will help us each continue to speak loudly for this quiet place and strengthen your resolve to keep it as it is: untrammeled, unpolluted, and wild.