Photograph of Kiki Petrosino

Kiki Petrosino

Kiki Petrosino is the author of White Blood: A Lyric of Virginia and three other collections of poetry. She holds graduate degrees from the University of Chicago and the University of Iowa Writer’s Workshop. Her memoir, Bright, was released in 2022. She currently directs the Creative Writing Program at the University of Virginia, where she is a professor of poetry. She is the recipient of a DeWitt Wallace/Readers Digest Fellowship and residency from The MacDowell Colony, a Pushcart Prize, a Creative Writing Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, the University of North Texas Rilke Prize, and The Spalding Prize for the Promotion of Peace and Justice in Literature from Good River Review, among other honors. She lives in Orange, Virginia.

Books by Kiki Petrosino

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