The Nature of College
Campus Ecology: \’kam-pes i-‘kä-le-je\ noun 1: The study of everyday college life—from cram sessions to keggers—and the assumptions that underpin it. 2: A method for calling higher education to higher purposes.
Stately oaks, ivy-covered walls, the opposite sex—these are the things that likely come to mind for most Americans when they think about the “nature” of college. But the real nature of college is hidden in plain sight: it’s flowing out of the keg and it’s woven into the mascots on our T-shirts. Engaging in a deep and richly entertaining study of “campus ecology,” The Nature of College explores one day in the life of the average student, questioning what “natural” is and what “common sense” is really good for, and weighing the collective impacts of the everyday. In the end, this fascinating, highly original book rediscovers and repurposes the great and timeless opportunity presented by college: to study the American way of life, and to develop a more sustainable, better way to live.
For more information about The Nature of College and a dedicated website of resources by James Farrell, visit natureofcollege.org.