The Pine Island Paradox
Can the love reserved for family and friends be extended to a place? In The Pine Island Paradox, Kathleen Dean Moore reflects on how deeply the environment is entrenched in the human spirit, despite the notion that nature and humans are somehow separate.
Every year Moore vacations with her family on a small island in the Pacific Northwest. In these essays, Moore—a gifted storyteller with a sly sense of humor—beautifully explores the island as a metaphor for the paradoxical connections that bind us despite our apparent isolation. She tenderly captures the small moments, human and wild, of life there: thousands of shrimp becoming visible at low tide, fungi that her botanist father cultivated in the family refrigerator, bad weather, grouse dancing on their lek, her daughter’s arrest after protesting the war in Iraq, and the haunting note—the augmented fourth—heard in the call of a loon, the howl of a wolf, or sacred music.
Wonderfully engaging and deeply felt, The Pine Island Paradox presents an environmental ethic of caring that projects outward from our families to the special places we experience with them, an affection that embraces the human and natural world.