Fady Joudah at Brazos Bookstore

Mongoose versus Cobra Bar
1011 McGowen St
Houston, TX 77002
United States

Free and open to the public. Reserve your copy of Firsts here!

Brazos Bookstore is pleased to host winner of the 2007 Yale Series of Younger Poets, Fady Joudah (Footnotes in the Order of Disappearance), for a discussion and signing of FIRSTS: 100 Years of Yale Younger Poets, alongside William Virgil Davis.

Firsts serves as both a testament to the enduring power of poetic expression and exploration of the ways poetry has evolved over the past century. In addition to judiciously assembling this wide-ranging anthology, series judge Carl Phillips provides an introduction to the history and impact of Yale Younger Poets prize and its winners within the wider context of American poetry, including the roles of race, gender, and sexual orientation.

This event will be held offsite at Mangoose v. Cobra bar. Please remeber to reserve your book online at least 24 hours in advance for signing.

More information:

