Rumpus Pop-up: Jake Skeets, Kristen Arnett, & Malcolm Tariq

Portland Art Museum
1219 SW Park Ave
Portland, OR 97205
United States

Free and open to the public.

The Rumpus is pleased to host Jake Skeets, author of the award winning collection of poetry, Eyes Bottle Dark with a Mouthful of Flowers, for a pop-up poetry reading at the Portland Book Festival. Jake Skeets will join forces with authors Kristen Arnett (Mostly Dead Things) and Malcolm Tariq (Heed the Hollow) for this poetry reading.

Fnd the pop-up in front of MEDIUM by Heather Watkins, located in the Northwest Art Galleries on the 4th floor in the Portland Art Museum. Please reference the Portland Art Museum Map to find this location.

Admission is Free and open to everyone. Join The Rumpus and the Portland Book Festival for fifteen minutes of literary bliss!