A guide to accessing your Audiobook or eBook

How to access your Audiobook purchase:

  1. While logged into your milkweed.org account, select the “Audiobook” tab to access your Audiobook purchase.
  2. Click on the blue hyperlink to download your Audiobook.
  3. In your computer downloaded files, click on the .zip file to expand the folder to view the full Audiobook.
    1. The individual chapter or poem mp3 files will make it easier for you to navigate the Audiobook.
  4. For Apple computer users, the audiobook files can be played in the Music app.
    1. Select all the mp3 files and drag them into your library.
    2. Select all the new Audiobook files and add them to a new playlist so the chapters will play automatically in order.
  5. Apple users can also import the mp3 files into the Books app.
    1. In the Books app on your Mac, choose File > Import.
    2. Select the audiobook files you want to import, then click Import.
  6. For Windows computer users, the mp3 files will open and play automatically in the Windows Media Player.
  7. To access the audiobook on your iPhone, log into your milkweed.org account in your web browser app and download the audiobook to the Files app.
    1. In the Files app, click on the zip file to expand the folder to view the full Audiobook.
    2. Click on the first file to start the Audiobook. You will need to swipe after each poem to continue listening.
  8. We do not recommend buying Audiobooks to gift through milkweed.org.
  9. All Milkweed Editions Audiobooks are also available wherever you listen to Audiobooks.


How to access your eBook purchase:

  1. While logged into your milkweed.org account, select the “eBooks” tab to access your eBook purchase.
  2. Click on the blue hyperlink to download your eBook.
  3. In your computer downloaded files, click on the EPUB or PDF file to read your eBook.
  4. To read your eBook on your computer, you can either read the file on your desktop using Preview or Adobe Digital Editions.
  5. Apple users can import the eBook files into the Books app.
    1. In the Books app on your Mac, choose File > Import.
    2. Select the eBook you want to import, then click Import.
  6. To read your eBook on your e-reader, connect it to your computer with a USB cord, download the file onto the computer, and then click and drag or sync it onto your device. For information specific to your e-reader, check these websites: Amazon Kindle, Apple iBooks, and Nook (Barnes and Noble).
  7. We do not recommend buying eBooks to gift through milkweed.org.
  8. All Milkweed Editions eBooks are also available wherever you read eBooks.