Mary Rose O'Reiley

Mary Rose O'Reilley

Mary Rose O’Reilley is the author of The Barn at the End of the World: The Apprenticeship of a Quaker, Buddhist Shepherd and The Love of Impermanent Things: A Threshold Ecology, as well as a novel, two collections of poems, and three other works of nonfiction. She has served as an American Council of Learned Societies contemplative studies fellow and consultant with the Society for Contemplative Mind in Society in its exploration of meditative disciplines in education. She works as a spiritual director, trained in the Christian (Shalem Institute) and Buddhist (Plum Village) traditions. An emerita professor of English at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota, O’Reilley is currently active as a musician, potter, and homesteader on a rural island in Puget Sound.

Books by Mary Rose O'Reilley

A Threshold Ecology
Mary Rose O'Reilley

At midlife, the author writes, we are called to an “archaeology of memory”—turning over a potsherd here, a fragment there—to assemble something whole out of the messiness of experience. She encourages all of us to contemplate our own deep story, in which the facts of personal history ground a narrative of consciousness and perception.

The Apprenticeship of a Quaker, Buddhist Shepherd
Mary Rose O'Reilley

Deciding that her life was insufficiently grounded in real-world experience, the author, a Quaker reared as a Catholic, embarked on a year of tending sheep. In this often hilarious book, she describes her time in the barn as well as an extended visit to a Buddhist monastery in France.

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Blog Post

Milkweed Editions and Little Free Library launch new partnership

Milkweed Staff — 12/19/2024

A locally grown collaboration with national impact: Indigenous Library Steward-sustaining Partnership

Photograph by Anna Min

Chris La Tray placing his book Becoming Little Shell into the new Indigenous Little Free Library at Red Lake Nation College in Minneapolis.

Milkweed Editions and Little Free Library are excited…