November 14 — December 31

Season of Giving 2019


Thank you for reaching our goal of 200 supporters this Season of Giving!

You care about great books.
Perhaps you’re drawn to Milkweed because you value beauty and critical thinking. Or you look to the writers we’re publishing to help you navigate complexity, introduce you to different ways of living in the world, and move you. Whatever brought you into the Milkweed community, we’re grateful you’re here! The reality is that the list price of each Milkweed book represents roughly half of what it costs to create it, which means that we need to be both readers AND donors to make these books happen. So please include Milkweed in your giving this year. Great books and warm fuzzy feelings will result! Plus, make a donation of any amount this Season of Giving to receive a limited-edition bookmark as a thank-you gift. For donations of $50 or more, select a signed book as a gift! Click here for more details.

  • What Readers Are Saying

    This may be the best thing I’ve read all year. I have the feeling that I immediately want to start reading it again. One, because I loved the experience of reading it, and two, because I’m not done thinking about it or understanding it. There is so much to learn and parse and meditate on.”

    SUZANNE on Letters from Max by Sarah Ruhl & Max Ritvo

  • What Readers Are Saying

    “I tear up just thinking how much more blessed this world will be with the arrival of such a voice. Never stop singing your beautiful song, Jake—because we’ll never stop listening.”

    PARIS on Eyes Bottle Dark with a Mouthful of Flowers by Jake Skeets

  • What Readers Are Saying

    “Without question the most powerful account of climate change I’ve yet read, paying equal attention to human and nonhuman lives, race and class, geography and economics, emotion and reason.”

    JED on Rising by Elizabeth Rush

  • What Readers Are Saying

    “I will hold this book close for many years to come—it reminded me of the Mary Oliver quote: ‘Instructions for a life—Pay attention, be astonished, tell about it.’ This book is a meditation on both living and dying, on holding people close and letting them go. Sincerely a book like no other—I was both deeply touched and deeply inspired.”

    LOUISE on Late Migrations by Margaret Renkl

  • What Readers Are Saying

    “In this brave memoir, Darrel McLeod explores the racism and other forms of judgement that tried to push him down. But he also celebrates his Cree culture and the family love that endured all hardship. This is a powerful read, and I could not put it down. Reading about his life, I cried, I raged, and I grew still to listen. As with all the best memoirs, this book allowed me to imagine what it might have been like to be in his shoes.“

    DEBBIE on Mamaskatch by Darrel J. McLeod

  • What Readers Are Saying

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Ada Limón is my favorite living poet. I love her work because she is realistic without being too pessimistic, an attitude much needed in these trying times. There’s always room for hope in her poems.”

    CAROLINE on The Carrying by Ada Limón

  • What Readers Are Saying

    “A fantastic book. I cannot praise it enough. It is a vitally important read for humanity as we see ourselves, how we see the world, our relation to it and how we need each other. While she speaks of greed that chokes the world, she speaks too of positiveness and what we can do to heal the earth and ourselves.”

    YASMIN on Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

    • Gratitude from writers

      Without YOU there would be no Milkweed Editions! Scroll through to read about what that means to the authors you support.

      Give a gift today to support the writers and books of tomorrow!

    • My home with Milkweed

      “A literary agent told me that a book like mine needs to be published by a nonprofit press, run by people who are open to extending the boundaries of literature in every way imaginable: in form and subject and language. In short, she suggested that I submit the book to Milkweed Editions. I give thanks every day of my life for that advice because the book that entered the world would otherwise not exist.”

      MARGARET RENKL, author of Late Migrations: A Natural History of Love and Loss

    • The healing power of stories

      Books like Mamaskatch are critically important for us to reclaim our place, our health, our culture, our way of life, and our space in society. There are new voices: writers, musicians, visual artists, who are creating rich pieces of work that are being shared with the Canadian public, and now with the U.S. public thanks to Milkweed.”

      DARREL J. MCLEOD, author of Mamaskatch: A Cree Coming of Age

    • The literary canon is still being written

      “As a debut author of color, I truly admire Milkweed’s ethos of listening, learning, and evolving. I feel blessed to be part of an independent press that resists complacency, that believes the literary canon is still being written, and fosters community in an earnest, loving way by honoring our work and challenging readers to do the same. They have gifted me the most beautiful book I could have ever dreamed of.”

      SU HWANG, author of Bodega

    • An uncommon relationship

      For nearly twenty-five years, Milkweed Editions has published my novels. That kind of relationship between author and publisher is not common in today’s world. Before coming to Milkweed, I had published with big New York houses, but once I experienced the thorough and sensitive care that Milkweed gives a manuscript; the post-publication send-off and follow-through they provide; the family atmosphere that pervades, well, I had found a home—for life, I hope!”

      FAITH SULLIVAN, author of Ruby & Roland

      Support Upcoming Writers & Books

      Your donation this Season of Giving supports discovering promising writers and compensating them well for their work. It’s an investment in the collaborative development of manuscripts and the design of beautiful books. And your gift seeds personal and social transformation by getting these works of literature into the hands of readers across the country and around the world. Scroll down for a peek at some of the upcoming books and writers you’re investing in with your gift today!

      • Aimee Nezhukumatathil on World of Wonders

        “I’m so excited to be publishing my collection of illustrated nature essays next year! It’s my love letter to this planet and all the wild and wondrous plants and animals that I’ve fallen in love with over the years. It’s also a love letter to my immigrant parents. They helped me realize that there was a place for me in the outdoors when most books, TV shows, and movies didn’t show me that.”

        World of Wonders, the first work of nonfiction by Aimee Nezhukumatathil, will be published by Milkweed in Fall 2020.

      • Rick Barot on The Galleons

        “I wrote the first poem for the collection in 2014 and the last poem in 2017—a quick span from my standpoint as a usually slow writer. The Galleons is engaged in the work of recovery in regards to erased histories and speaks to the principle that has informed much of my work as a poet—the work of earnest inclusivity. This work has led to an enlarging of what the political means to me—it is rooted in the daily, the intimate, and most importantly, in the apprehension of justice.”

        The Galleons, the fourth collection of poems by Rick Barrot, will be published by Milkweed in Winter 2020.

      • Makenna Goodman on The Shame

        “I have been working on this novel for about four and a half years. I wanted to write a story where social media was made into a character that could be identified and then demolished. I wanted to explore how the internet has influenced our deepest subconscious desires, even those who consider themselves set apart from it, who are living on the edges of capitalist society, in nature or otherwise.”

        The Shame, the first novel by Makenna Goodman, will be published by Milkweed in Fall 2020.

      • Benjamin Garcia on Thrown in the Throat

        “My work asks ‘What does it mean to be a person of native Mexican ancestry writing in English and Spanish, where even my mother tongue is the product of colonization? How do we talk about queerness in a language that suppressed its existence for so long?’ This is my way of taking a history that was forced upon us and making it ours.

        Thrown in the Throat, the debut collection of poems by Benjamin Garcia, will be published by Milkweed in Fall 2020.

      • Deni Ellis Béchard on A Song from Faraway

        “I wrote the first drafts of A Song from Faraway twenty years ago to understand how family identity could be transformed not only by borders and wars but also by various trypes of artistic expression. Over the course of many rewrites, the novel’s family took shape, with the lives of its members spanning a hundred and fifty years. Their paths often barely crossed and yet deeply affected each other, so that each new storyline joined the previous to create a larger narrative about the ways that artistic creations can transmit memory and history or catalyze change.”

        A Song from Faraway, the fourth novel by Deni Ellis Béchard, will be published by Milkweed in Spring 2020.

        Give and receive!

        When you give a donation of any amount to Milkweed this Season of Giving (now through the end of the year), you get a limited-edition bookmark as a thank-you gift!

        Give a donation of $50 or more and we’ll also send you a signed copy of one of these books! (Limited quantity of each book availalbe—first come, first served.) Please indicate your selection during the donation check-out process.


        • • • MORE WAYS TO GIVE • • •

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        Remembering Milkweed Editions in your estate or retirement plans is a lasting tribute to ensure the future of independent publishing. Share this sample language with your attorney: I give to Milkweed Editions, Inc., a Minnesota non-profit organization located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, ___ percent of my residuary estate (or the sum of $___ ) to be used where it is needed most by the organization.


        Legal name: Milkweed Editions, Inc.
        EIN: 41-1365177
        Contact: Meagan Bachmayer


        Milkweed Editions is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
        Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

        We'd love to hear from you!