In 2020, Milkweed Editions embarked on the Taking Flight campaign to amplify our mission and introduce more readers to books that change the way they see and live in the world.
Taking Flight reached a milestone of over $3.9 million raised, making it the most successful fundraising campaign ever conducted by an independent press. The funds donated by our generous community will ensure continued excellence, drive innovative leadership as a 21st century publisher, and empower Milkweed to deepen the impact of our work in the ever-expanding communities we serve.
The Taking Flight campaign has made the following possible:

Investing with integrity
With the help of Wealth Management Partners at UBS Financial Services, we have developed a 100% sustainable impact portfolio for our Fund for the Future. Every investment reflects Milkweed’s values by promoting social and environmental change.
The Fund for the Future invests in businesses, organizations, and government-issued bonds that support sustainable development, environmental projects, and other issues critical to the health of our society and planet.
As an entrepreneurial arts organization committed to our own future, Milkweed has invested more than $1 million of sales revenue generated over the past several years in the Fund.
Fundraising continues for the Fund for the Future to sustain Milkweed in times of economic uncertainty and preserve the press for future generations of writers and readers. Outright and planned gifts are welcome. For more information, please contact Jane Townsend, VP of Advancement, jane_townsend@milkweed.org, 612-215-2556.
Taking Flight committee
Libby Hlavka & Mary Reyelts, co-chairs
Lynn Abrahamsen | Keith Bednarowski | Barry Berg
Beth Dooley | Sheila Glancy Letscher | Geoff Gothro
Taking Flight contributors
Thank you to the generous donors who have invested in the flight of Milkweed Editions!
Ellen D. Grace | Mary and Paul Reyelts
Mary and Keith Bednarowski | Elizabeth D. Hlavka and Edwin Hlavka
Kathleen and Allen Lenzmeier | Margaret V.B. Wurtele
Christopher Crosby and Kate Anderson Crosby | Fast Horse* | Hart and Susie Kuller
Christopher Pearson and Amy Larson | Philipa von Kerckerinck
Barry Berg and Walter Tambor | Ellen and Jan Breyer | Sheila Glancy Letscher and Thomas Letscher | Joanne and John Gordon | Shawn Monaghan and Greg Plotnikoff | Sandra Roe | Eleanor and Fred Winston
Lynn Abrahamsen | Bert and Suzie Colianni | Page and Jay Cowles | Edward and Sherry Ann Dayton | Margaret Driscoll and Robert Keeley | Geoff and Janny Gothro | Lucy Mitchell | Robin B. Nelson | Nell and Chris Smith | Stephanie Sommer and Stephen Spencer
Anonymous | Colleen Carey and Pamela Endean | Claire and Jack Dempsey | Kevin and Beth Dooley | Barbara Goldner | Peter Laird | Jim and Susan Lenfestey | Ann and Chris Malecek | Kelly Morrison and John Willoughby | Emily and Will Nicoll
Up to $9,999
Mary K. Aamoth | Pamela R. Fletcher Bush | Veena Deo | Sara and Jock Donaldson | Nancy Feldman | Ned and Carol Hancock | William and Cheryl Hogle | Laura and Todd Johnson | Paul Johnson | Leah Lamon | Kate Moos and Valerie Arganbright | Matthew Murphy and Maura Rockcastle | Janet Polli | Molly Sullivan | Deanna Thompson and Neal Peterson | Amy and Paul Vargo | Maryam Marne Zafar
*In-kind contribution