A new series of world literature


Just as repositories around the world gather seeds to ensure biodiversity in the future, Seedbank gathers works of literature from around the world that foster conversation and reflection on the human relationship to place and the natural world—exposing readers to new, endangered, and forgotten ways of seeing the world.

The Seedbank series

    About the series

    Since the advent of language we have understood our world, and passed that understanding from one generation to the next, through story and song. From the Aboriginal stories of the Dreamtime to the Original Instructions of the Ojibwe, and from the Mayan Popol Vuh to medieval bestiaries, the imaginative expression of human experience offers essential tools for reflection on our relationship to the world around us.

    Today, however, the stories that have guided human interaction with ecosystems for millennia are steadily disappearing, as cultural and linguistic diversity disappears at a pace matching the loss of biological diversity. In response to this trajectory, and with the understanding that literature has been a source of cultural transformation throughout modern history, Milkweed Editions launched the Seedbank series of books.

    This series of world literature expands Milkweed’s publishing program to bring ancient, historical, and contemporary works from cultures from around the world to American readers. Just as repositories around the world gather seeds to ensure biodiversity in the future, Seedbank gathers works of literature from around the world that foster conversation and reflection on the human relationship to place and the natural world—exposing readers to new, endangered, and forgotten ways of seeing the world.

    • Praise for the series

      “Milkweed’s Seedbank series is one of the most exciting and visionary projects in contemporary publishing. Taking the long view, these volumes run parallel to the much-hyped books of the moment to demonstrate the possibility and hope inherent in all great literature.” STEPHEN SPARKS, POINT REYES BOOKS

    • Praise for the series

      “Through its cultural-linguistic contribution to narrative diversity, Milkweed’s Seedbank series is a vital tool in imagining the futures possible for humanity beyond the anthropocene. Bringing works from Greek, K’iche’, German, Russian (and more!) whose authors are deeply rooted in their homelands, each voice encountered has resonated with me on a seemingly cellular level—shifting and changing both who I am and can be. I will continue to press these books into the hands of compassionate readers and cannot wait to share the forthcoming titles in the project!”ERIN PINEDA, 27TH LETTER BOOKS

    • Praise for the series

      “Milkweed as a publishing house has long been championing literary works both fictitious and true to life centered around culture, nature, and environmentalism. The Seedbank series serves as both a marvelous introduction to the books Milkweed provides and as a collection of essential stories that ought to be on everyone’s radar. The words behind these front covers highlight life-changing experiences, knowledge, and ways of life from communities that are seldom otherwise heard from in the publishing world through an authentic cultural lens. What I’ve read from the Seedbank line is phenomenal, and I look forward to spending time with future works in the series.”ANDREW KING, SECRET GARDEN BOOKS

      The Seedbank series

      Explore currently available and forthcoming titles below.

      “Writing in an Endangered Language to Honor, and Challenge, Traditions”

      A New York Times feature on Mikeas Sánchez

      Dan Beachy-Quick on translating ancient poetics

      Video URL

      Listen to shamanic singing by Galsan Tschinag

      Walk through Connemara with Tim Robinson

      “However many nations

      live in the world today,

      however many countless people,

      they all had but one dawn.”

        —from The Popol Vuh

      • Blog Post

        Honoring Tuệ Sỹ

        Milkweed Staff — 04/17/2024

        Milkweed is deeply saddened by the recent passing of Vietnamese Buddhist monk Tuệ Sỹ, whose poems we published in a bilingual edition last year as Dreaming the Mountain, with translations by Nguyen Ba Chung and Martha Collins. Born in 1943, Tuệ Sỹ joined a Zen order at the age of ten and later became an eminent Buddhist scholar, professor, translator, and poet. He actively resisted the idea that Buddhism should serve as a tool for any political agenda, and was well known for his dissidence.

        Following study at the Institute of Buddhism in Nha Trang, Tuệ Sỹ moved to Saigon, where he became a…

      • Blog Post

        5 Reasons to Teach This Book: The Blue Sky

        Bailey Hutchinson — 05/08/2020

        Welcome, friends, to the latest installment of 5 Reasons to Teach This Book! In this interview series, we examine what we can learn from Milkweed’s titles by discussing our books with educators, authors, and booksellers. This month, we’re featuring The Blue Sky, a novel that originally joined our catalogue in 2006 but will be reissued this summer as part of the Seedbank series.

        The Blue Sky is a tale of family—blood and found—and the distances we travel to preserve our chosen bonds. In fictionalizing his own childhood, author Galsan Tschinag walks readers through the familiar and anxious…

      • Blog Post

        Rest in Peace, Tim Robinson

        Milkweed Staff — 04/03/2020

        Milkweed Editions is deeply saddened to report that Tim Robinson has died from coronavirus this morning in London. He was 85.

        Robinson is the author of numerous books, most notably his two-volume study of the Aran Islands, and his Connemara trilogy, which acclaimed author Robert Macfarlane has called “one of the most remarkable nonfiction projects undertaken in English.” The first volume in the trilogy, Listening to the Wind, was originally published in Ireland in 2006, and we are incredibly honored to have released the book to an American audience last year in September. Robinson’s work…

        For More Information