Our Books

374 Titles

Ralph Black

These poems explore the territory of longing and loss, love and family, wild land and city street. With nods to Johannes Brahms and Joseph Haydn, Pablo Neruda, Theodore Roethke, and Christopher Smart, this collection tells of a passion for being in…

Lu Chi

Written in the third century, this is one of the earliest Chinese works about the use of language, intended for those who wish to engage the art of letters at its deepest levels. In sixteen sections, it discusses the joys and problems that face both…

William Morrish and Catherine Brown

This book is the first of its kind, providing a thoughtful, practical process for neighborhood planning for concerned citizens as well as professional planners.

Bill Holm

Part traveler’s journal, part philosophical exploration, this book considers the idea of islands and asks whether they encourage eccentricity and grandeur in human beings. Along the way, it introduces beguiling characters and cultures, from the well…

Robert Michael Pyle

As a boy in Colorado, the author fell in love with alpine heights and the butterflies that float above the tree line. This early passion sparked a career in conservation that took him across the globe—until he realized that he was no longer as…

Bill Holm

Arranged by letter of the alphabet, with at least one entry per letter, these short pieces capture the variety of daily life in contemporary China. Here, one learns what it is like to travel by “hard-seat” train to a remote village, to smuggle…

Ann Zwinger

Known for beautifully observed and illustrated books about the rivers, deserts, and mountains of the West, the author here focuses on the guiding principles of her life as naturalist. She moves from details to the larger patterns that link them to…

Paul Gruchow

Organized by the seasons of the year, this book explores the natural and soul-sustaining beauty of the largest roadless area east of the Rocky Mountains. Drawing on the works of Thoreau and Wendell Berry, the author turns his naturalist’s eye on this…

Scott Russell Sanders

Here the author recalls the stories and experiences that have guided him as a writer, and speaks on behalf of a life rooted in the commonplace. Emerging from his work is the conviction that moments of interaction with the nonhuman world restore the…

William Kittredge

In this book, the author tells the story of his family’s homestead in the Great Basin, a ranch worked by horses when he was a boy and transformed into an agribusiness by the time he was a grown man. Recounting his life as farmer and writer, he…

Young Readers
V.M. Caldwell

Elizabeth is the newest member of the big and boisterous Sheridan family. They try to make her feel at home, but Elizabeth knows from previous experience in foster homes that one day she’ll be sent away. Now all the Sheridan kids are headed to the…

Rick Bass

A creature almost mythic, Colter—the brown dog of the Yaak—charges through mountain valleys following the scent of game. In this book, the author gives a history of his years with Colter—including vignettes about interactions with well-known writers…

Young Readers
Frances Wilbur

Cassie has always wanted a dog, more than anything in the world, but her mother has always refused. Then, one day, her dream cautiously sniffs its way into her yard and into her life. But quickly Cassie learns that Toklata, as she names her new…

Annick Smith

In 1964 the author came to Montana with her husband and their boys. In a fertile valley where meadows tip downward toward the Big Blackfoot River, they found what they had dreamed of: 163 acres of ranchland with a view of a creek, hills, and the…

Paul Gruchow

These eloquent essays meditate on living with the land and reinvigorating the values of community. Combining personal reflection and memoir with a powerful look at the state of our rural towns and people, this collection postulates a society in which…

Lequita Vance-Watkins and Aratani Mariko

In this anthology, women survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki write of the attack’s cause, effects, and aftermath. In potent prose and poetry, these women bear witness to the shared responsibility for bringing about war, any war…

Margaret Hasse

These poems take a sometimes humorous, sometimes wrenching look at human relationships, at the varieties of isolation and communication possible in sexuality and friendship. This collection’s lush lyric voice is grounded in a tough sensibility, an…